Dog gone it; scented posters target pet owners in London

Single dog lovers are being targeted by’s latest social event; one in a series that aims to bring people together through a shared interest.

Adverts for the event are being put up on lamp posts around London’s Battersea Park (where the outdoor ‘Bark in the Park’ social is being held).

And if the owners miss the advert, their doggie companion certainly won’t – a separate beef scented poster at their eye level appeals to their super sensitive noses!

The posters utilise The Aroma Company’s aroma infusion technology – a fabulous way to experience a scent without the need for active interaction. The aroma is gently released over time.

All profits of the event will be going to Dog’s Trust. You can read more about the event here.

The socials campaign has been launched by the inventive people at Brands2Life. As social’s go, Bark in the Park is a great way to start the event series and dogs have commonly been known to draw people together and lead to romance; the child in me remembers the dog-lead wrapping incident in 101 Dalmatians!

Finding love through their dogs – a classic example!

Do you have an event that could be enhanced through the inclusion of aroma? Give us a call to discuss your ideas +44 (0)1491 835510 or email us on